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Project Alpha


In 2021, when one of the largest entertainment powerhouses faced a media crisis, one which had the potential to pose a serious threat to the brand’s overall image, the SPRD team took on the mammoth challenge of effectuating a reputation-strengthening strategy for effective damage control.

By carefully monitoring all brand mentions, the team analyzed the origin, tagged them by sentiment, and took up an action plan to respond to negative mentions. Through swift actions and an uber-customized approach, we screened a total of 16,491 mentions for around 120 days. Considering the volume of these mentions, 100+ sentiment analysis reports were segregated by location. The efficacy of our reputation-reviving strategies had a massive impact in transforming the influx of negative mentions.

Regularly tracking the negative buzz and analyzing the reports, we were able to see a reduction of 14.24% in negative buzz giving a boost to the brand reputation in just 120 days.

The eclectic mix of strategies helped control problematic responses and subsequently minimized its effect drastically.


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As a core part of our action plan, the synthesized insights that we reported were spread across three key areas:

A daily overall sentiment analysis and location-wise mentions distributions.


A consolidated weekly overview of data volume, daily overall sentiment analysis, and location-wise mentions distributions.


Snippets of influencers’ tweets.

This further helped us craft strategies with the sole aim of reducing the dent on their brand image, restoring the audiences’ faith, and continuing to share solid responses by staying transparent on all fronts.

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